Sunday, March 11, 2007

Birthday Cake Bella

Can you believe it? Two posts in one day? I have been busy stamping several cards today. When I sit down to make cards I normally make about 4-6 of the same one. That way I always have cards on hand to send if I need one. Here is yet another card using my Christmas present from Trace. I just love all the paper she got for me and I find myself using them a lot with the Bella stamps. I guess I use them a lot with Bella because I have been using Bellas a lot lately too! I do still have SU stamps, trust me.
I'm in the process in figuring out which free set I want to get for my sales during Sell-a-bration. I get one set $29.95 or less. I just can't decide which one I want to get. I hate to get one less than the amount I can get for free, that is like giving money away. I can't decide if I want Doodle This from the Spring Mini or Bodacious Bouquet from the big catty. I love the Bodacious Bouquet- it caught my eye when the catty first came out. But it is one of those stamps sets that is on the wish list but always gets bumped for something else. Does anyone else do that? Lovely as a Tree was like that for a while but I finally did break down and buy it before Christmas. So, any ideas on which set I should get?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey great job...this looks amazing...thanks for sharing this with us...and you can also check out my blog on Birthday Cards sometime for some more unique ideas and resources!!!